Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sangam, Girl Guide World Center

After 2 days in Mumai we headed to Pune, India to Sangam, the Girl Guide World Center. We joined women from the USA, the UK and Ontario for a week of friendship and fun!

Here we are in front of Sangam's gates. Inside the Girl Guide gates it was so beautiful and peaceful. Outside the gates was a different story!

Here we are dressed in our saris!! It was such a fun night! We look like Indian princesses!

Driving in a rickshaw was the only way to get around Pune! It was wilder than any amusement park ride!! We were most impressed with this pink rickshaw which we named the "Barbie rickshaw!"

Shopping was something we did a lot of! It was so cheap! Here I am shopping for bangles to go with my sari!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a Guide in Australia =]